save HERTSMERE - object to planning 22/2147/OUT


Reasons to Object

  • The proposed site is protected Green Belt land which has good soil quality of 3.5 BMV. As a fertile natural open space, it is biodiverse in plant and wildlife which would be lost should development occur.
  • The industrial nature of the proposed development, its scale and size and its close proximity to Aldenham Reservoir would have a negative impact on the setting and leisure amenity value of the Reservoir. Furthermore the proposed development would harm the historic setting of Elstree Village.
  •  The proposed development – both in construction and operation – would produce noise pollution for both local residents and visitors to Composers Park, Aldenham Reservoir and Aldenham Country Park.
  • The proposed development offers only one site access via Watford Road, which is a busy, narrow and bendy road. This therefore presents a serious safety hazard.
  • The proposed site would generate daily traffic estimated at 1214 HGV, vans and cars which is an excessive amount of increased traffic onto Watford Road and the local road network which are already under strain. This large and increased traffic volume would impact air quality.
  •  In 2015 Planning was Refused for Liberty Aldenham to build 150 houses on the site in order to generate income for the Reservoirs repair and future maintenance. The Planning Committee decided that Liberty Aldenham did not have Very Special Circumstances and that the Reservoir and lands opposite were separate and distinct so there was no case for ‘enabling development‘. Fast forward to 2023 and this outline planning application presents no different grounds.


Dear Hertsmere Green Belt supporter,

Thank you for being part of the 18,000 objections against Hertsmere’s draft Local Plan which proposed building over 2,500 acres (almost 15%)   of our entire Green Belt.

Your support and objections forced our Councillors to listen and shelve the plan. However, by not providing an acceptable draft Local Plan the first time around, this has put our Green Belt at risk. Without a five-year housing supply, our Green Belt is now open to developer destruction.

Act Now

Our Local Councillors are there to represent us, so they should be rejecting ALL Green Belt proposals until we as residents can be properly consulted on a new and better Local Plan.

Numerous applications on the Green Belt have been submitted since the Plan was shelved and since approved. The map below highlights the danger facing us all.

We must continue to work together to object to these applications and ensure our elected Councillors listen to us the residents of Hertsmere.

Over the summer, and with an updated website, Save Hertsmere will re-connect with all local ‘Save’ Groups who promise to protect our Green Belt. We therefore need  your continued support. 

If you are a local action group working to protect the Green Belt in your area of Hertsmere, or wish to join our campaign, please contact us at: to join up and work with us, as together we are stronger.

Object now and register your views

    Alternative ways to object and have your say.

    Hertsmere Planning Department

    And… why not email your local councillors!

    You can copy the text from our email.

    Oliver Dowden MP

    Cllr Morris Bright – Leader of Hertsmere Council

    Cllr Harvey Cohen – Portfolio holder for Planning at Hertsmere Council

    Cllr Caroline Clapper – Aldenham West


    Planning Department
    Hertsmere Borough Council
    3 Elstree Way
    WD6 9SR