save HERTSMERE - object to planning REF 23/0328/FUL

Change of Use on Rectory Lane, Shenley

23/0328/FUL | Change of use of land to provide a dog day-care, training, and exercise facility with associated operational development to include access improvements and resurfacing, parking provision and provision of staff building and field shelter (part retrospective application). | Land West Of Manor Cottages Rectory Lane Shenley Hertfordshire

Reasons to Object

1. The site is within the Metropolitan Green Belt.

2. According to Policy E item 16 of the Government Policy for traveler sites, and item 17 it states Green Belt should not be altered, only in exceptional circumstances and NOT IN RESPONSE TO A Planning APPLICATION.

3. The development would be in breach of the Shenley Neighbourhood Plan (SNP) in relation to damaging the rural landscape and quietness reference in Codes SC6 Boundaries and Edges and SC7 Rural Landscape.

4. The proposed site is an open rural field adjacent to a designated wildlife area. Having up to 30 dogs running around the site would severely damage this environment.

5. There is also the issue of the inappropriately high and industrial fencing and increased traffic caused by up to 30 cars a day arriving to drop off and pick up their dog(s).

6. The fencing, the gate, buildings and car park does not follow the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).   

7. The fencing is contrary to the requirements of the NPPF Clause 149 and 150 to preserve the openness of the Green Belt. 

8. The applicant’s claim that it is justified under NPPF clause 150 regarding “ Sport and Recreation”  is incorrect. 

9. The issue of noise in this case 30 dogs has been a factor why many planning applications across the UK have rightly been refused for kennels. 

10. We also reject the applicants claim of parallels to draw with the dog day care centre at Battlers Green Farm.


Dear Hertsmere Green Belt supporter,

Thank you for being part of the 18,000 objections against Hertsmere’s draft Local Plan which proposed building over 2,500 acres (almost 15%)   of our entire Green Belt.

Your support and objections forced our Councillors to listen and shelve the plan. However, by not providing an acceptable draft Local Plan the first time around, this has put our Green Belt at risk. Without a five-year housing supply, our Green Belt is now open to developer destruction.

Act Now

Our Local Councillors are there to represent us, so they should be rejecting ALL Green Belt proposals until we as residents can be properly consulted on a new and better Local Plan.

Numerous applications on the Green Belt have been submitted since the Plan was shelved and since approved. The map below highlights the danger facing us all.

We must continue to work together to object to these applications and ensure our elected Councillors listen to us the residents of Hertsmere.

We  need  your continued support. 

If you are a local action group working to protect the Green Belt in your area of Hertsmere, or wish to join our campaign, please contact us at: to join up and work with us, as together we are stronger.

Object now and register your views

    Alternative ways to object and have your say.

    Hertsmere Planning Department

    And… why not email your local councillors!

    You can copy the text from our email.

    Oliver Dowden MP

    Natalie Susman

    Planning Department
    Hertsmere Borough Council
    3 Elstree Way
    WD6 9SR