save HERTSMERE - object to planning REF 22/1897/FUL
Caravan Site - Watling Street
Change of use of land to residential caravan site, to include stationing of 1 x mobile home, 1 x touring caravan and utility/dayroom with associated hardstanding, parking, access and related plant and infrastructure. | Land Adjacent To Bridgefoot Cottages Watling Street Radlett Hertfordshire
Reasons to Object
1. The site is within the Metropolitan Green Belt.
2. According to Policy E item 16 of the Government Policy for traveler sites, and item 17 it states Green Belt should not be altered, only in exceptional circumstances and NOT IN RESPONSE TO A Planning APPLICATION.
3. Loss of vegetation, openness and character of 200 year old Bridgefoot cottages and Bridgefoot House.
4. The removal of landscaping would present an intrusive form of development contrary to local plan policies and the NPPF, as stated in previous refusals.
5. Much of the vegetation on site has started to be removed and with it all existing biodiversity. This should have been retained. A fox den has also been removed.
6. The planning Portal Ref: PP-11366152 shows existing hedge row and trees. The hedgerow was Silver Birch trees plus 50 year old hedging that completely screened the 6 Bridgefoot cottages. It has been removed / decimated by the applicant.
7. Dead conifers encroaching almost a meter onto public footpath 009.
8. The proposed planting does not compensate for the loss of the natural biodiversity already removed. It will also take years to establish effective screening.
9. A new access point onto the incredibly busy A5183 will slow the flow of traffic. In previous applications this has not been regarded as safe access to the A5183 which is why applications to develop on this land have all been refused.
10. There is no planning permission for the ugly 6’ high fence and double gates.
11. The mobile home, caravans and utility block will completely alter the visual and spatial amenity.
12. The fact that there may be children on the site is not a planning consideration.
13. There is no mention of any alternative site or pitch evaluations. However, there are 4 traveller sites with many pitches available in Hertsmere and new allocations for sites in the new Local Plan. This site is not recognised as a traveler’s site in the current Local Plan 2012-2027 nor is it allocated in the draft local plan.
14. It is not a brownfield or previously developed site.
15. Under design principles SADM30 This does not make a positive contribution to the built or natural environment, nor does it complement the local character.
16. It goes against policies HD3 HD5 in the RNP.
17. Only sewage lines are indicated on the plan.
18. The proposed site plan is completely misleading as there are no existing caravans, hardstand or structures on the plot.
19. The application is for 1 pitch, which could be accommodated elsewhere. The pitch is only part of the site and has a gate access to the rest of the site as per the plan. There is no indication of what that will be used for.
20. The current planning application does NOT show the history of this site. Why? Previous applications on this same site TP/04/0289, TP84/5740, TP80/0063 were all dismissed. Absolutely nothing has change on this site, other than decimation of biodiversity Trees, hedges and wildlife.
Dear Hertsmere Green Belt supporter,
Thank you for being part of the 18,000 objections against Hertsmere’s draft Local Plan which proposed building over 2,500 acres (almost 15%) of our entire Green Belt.
Your support and objections forced our Councillors to listen and shelve the plan. However, by not providing an acceptable draft Local Plan the first time around, this has put our Green Belt at risk. Without a five-year housing supply, our Green Belt is now open to developer destruction.
![Act Now](
Our Local Councillors are there to represent us, so they should be rejecting ALL Green Belt proposals until we as residents can be properly consulted on a new and better Local Plan.
Numerous applications on the Green Belt have been submitted since the Plan was shelved and since approved. The map below highlights the danger facing us all.
We must continue to work together to object to these applications and ensure our elected Councillors listen to us the residents of Hertsmere.
Over the summer, and with an updated website, Save Hertsmere will re-connect with all local ‘Save’ Groups who promise to protect our Green Belt. We therefore need your continued support.
If you are a local action group working to protect the Green Belt in your area of Hertsmere, or wish to join our campaign, please contact us at: to join up and work with us, as together we are stronger.
Object now and register your views
Alternative ways to object and have your say.
Hertsmere Planning Department
And… why not email your local councillors!
You can copy the text from our email.
Oliver Dowden MP
Cllr Morris Bright – Leader of Hertsmere Council
Cllr Harvey Cohen – Portfolio holder for Planning at Hertsmere Council
Cllr John Graham – Aldenham East
Cllr Lucy Selby – Aldenham East
Cllr Caroline Clapper – Aldenham West
Cllr David Lambert – Aldenham West
Planning Department
Hertsmere Borough Council
3 Elstree Way