save HERTSMERE - object to planning REF 23/1508/OUT

.Application for a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) - Letchmore Heath to include amendments validated 30th September 2024 (Paragraphs 19-26).

23/1508/OUT | Application for a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) and associated landscaping and access. Outline Application to include Access.

Following  critical comments from Hertsmere’s  Landscape department the developer has submitted revisions  to the proposed BESS ( 23/1508/OUT). Under the revised scheme:

 The BESS will still store 1.5 GW of electricity but in a reduced number of containers but greater battery density brings enhanced fire risk and noise from cooling equipment

The developer intends a new woodland of around 8 acres and a new orchard of around 1.5 acres to address screening but

    • the woodland is deciduous and will be ineffective in winter
    • the entire planting will take a long time to mature
    • this much dense planting at the same time  risks high rate of failure
    • the sheer mass of the planting will be an intrusion into the openness of the Green Belt
    • even with these additions the substations will never be totally screened
    • the planting is very near to the containers which increases fire risk. 

Hertsmere are reconsulting with the public – EVEN IF YOU HAVE PREVIOUSLY OBJECTED PLEASE OBJECT AGAIN TO THESE REVISIONS BY 21 OCTOBER. The scheme is still inappropriate development in the Green Belt. This BESS will still be one of the biggest in the World with significant risks of fire and unacceptable noise levels. 

Reasons to Object

1. This is inappropriate development on Green Belt land. No very special circumstances exist to approve the development.
2. This is not energy production, it is storage for a electricity from a mix of sources, including fossil fuels. It is not a renewable energy project.


3. This BESS will be one of the biggest in the world and the fire hazard is very significant because the more batteries there are the greater the risk will be.


4. There is no natural water supply for firefighting and no certainty that any artificial supply would be enough particularly in the event of contagion which is common.
5. There will only be one roadway into the development which could hinder firefighters depending on wind direction. This is highly dangerous- the fire services guidance requires at least two roads.


6. There is a wildlife site immediately next to the site and  the large wildlife site at Hilfield Park Reservoir, nationally significant for birdlife is nearbywhich will be constantly under threat of fire.


7. At a time when  food security is more important than ever the development will result in a loss of 30 acres of fully productive agricultural land.


8. Noise from a BESS is at a level that will impact people’s daily lives, their sleep  and health.


Dear Hertsmere Green Belt supporter,

Thank you for being part of the 18,000 objections in 2021 against Hertsmere’s initial draft Local Plan which proposed building over 2,500 acres (almost 15%) of our entire Green Belt. Your support and objections forced our Councillors to listen and shelve the plan.

It was progress that a new Draft Local Plan produced early in 2024 planned to protect more of the Green Belt, proposing to build on around one third less of it, and was focused more genuinely affordable housing and infrastructure. Unfortunately even this improved Local Plan has now been thrown into doubt by the new Government’s proposal to build far more houses.

However, with the delay in providing an acceptable draft Local Plan the first time around, this has put our Green Belt at risk. Without a five-year housing supply, our Green Belt is now open to developer destruction.

Act Now

However, with the delay in providing an acceptable draft Local Plan the first time around, this has put our Green Belt at risk. Without a five-year housing supply, our Green Belt is now open to developer destruction.

Numerous applications on the Green Belt have been submitted since the 2021 Plan was shelved. We must continue to work together to object to these applications and ensure our elected Councillors listen to us the residents of Hertsmere.

Our Local Councillors are there to represent us, so they should be rejecting Green Belt proposals until we finalise our Local Plan.

We need your continued support.

If you are a local action group working to protect the Green Belt in your area of Hertsmere, or wish to join our campaign, please contact us at: to join up and work with us, as together we are stronger.

Object now and register your views

    Alternative ways to object and have your say.

    Hertsmere Planning Department

    And… why not email your local councillors!

    You can copy the text from our email.

    David Lambert


    Caroline Clapper
    Nik Oakley
    Helen Green
    Oliver Dowden

    Planning Department
    Hertsmere Borough Council
    3 Elstree Way
    WD6 9SR